V60-64 Female Winner

It is fitting that we end our review of WMCCL category winners for 2024 with Julie Rowntree, who won our V60-64 Female category after some great racing with Debbie Hodson – who was second – and Carolyn Jennings – who was third. All three typify what the WMCCL is all about – the joy and thrill of competition at all levels.

Here’s Julie’s account.

“I’ve really enjoyed this season which is the first one I’ve ridden in full. Having always had and ridden a bike since childhood, I have only started called myself “a cyclist” in the last few years. Riding cyclocross is part of this. The challenge of competing is also new to me, and I’ve grown to appreciate being part of the tussles at the back of the field as much as I enjoy watching those at the front.

Thanks in particular for encouragement from members of the Stourbridge and Worcester CCs, from both those in my race and those watching. And thanks to Debbie Hodson for being a great arch-rival this season!

The way that everyone gets involved from young children to super vets really appeals, and I hope I’m as encouraging to other people as members of the WMCCL have been to me!

Will I race next season? Maybe. But I will certainly be there to encourage, support and shout for riders in the other races!”

We hope you do decide to race again next season Jules.
